DN TRUST - an art project
DN TRUST - an art project
“Do Not TRUST” is an art project that deals with the question: What if …? The focus is on the idea of a device that can temporarily reproduce paintings true to the original and true to color using tiny pigment particles. The idea also includes the methods, processes and technologies described. The history and development of this device are presented, as well as the scientists involved, as they could have existed in an alternative reality. The website dntrust.pixmax.com is part of an exhibition that was on show at the Amthof-Galerie Bad Camberg in May 2024.
Alle Fotografien, Artikel, Zeichnungen und Skizzen wurden mit Hilfe neuronaler Netzwerke (KI) erstellt. Dokumente und Icons wurden klassisch mit Grafikprogrammen realisiert. Alle erwähnten Personen, Institutionen und Verfahren sind von mir frei erfunden. Die Orte New York und Santa Clara gibt es aber tatsächlich.
All photographs, articles, drawings and sketches were created with the help of neural networks (AI). Documents and icons were created using conventional graphics programs. All the people, institutions and processes mentioned are fictitious. However, the places New York and Santa Clara actually exist.